Monday, June 29, 2009

Orange County Swap Meet

The Orange County Swap Meet is a favorite in the Grow family. My cousin and I decided to go down for the day (benefits of working for an airline) and do some shopping. Our flight left at 7:30am so I was up bright and early Saturday morning. Unfortunatetly Kate's alarm didn't go off and I had to wake the entire household to get her up. Sorry Em and Riley! Not to worry though...we made our flight in time.

I don't know what it was about us and airports that day, but we kept coming across some strange men. On our way down to California, the TSA agent told Kate she couldn't fly because "he doesn't let the cute ones go." This was supposed to come across as flattering I'm sure...but it just came across as creepy. Then on our way back (waiting in line again) the guy in front of me was on his phone dancing around (he couldn't keep still). I didn't even know he had looked at me, but as soon as he hung up his phone, he turned to me and said "Your eyes are CRAZY tight!" Um, thanks? This obviously became the quote of the day. hahaha

Whenever we go we always find something unique that we haven't seen before. As you know from my earlier posts I love giraffe print anything. So my find for the day was a carry on luggage case in giraffe print with red lining. I LOVE it! We actually saw a lot of zebra print luggage pieces and were on the hunt for giraffe print. We finally found it at the end of the day.

Kate's great find was a hand-painted pink parasol with flowers painted on it. She got it for her sister's upcoming bridals since the parasol happened to be the exact colors of the wedding. It is going to look so good in her photos.

We rented a car for the day...but did not expect to rent a little fire engine! But that is what we got. We were looking hot in this thing! Well...not really, but we tried. It was actually a really hidious looking car. And of course we had to take a photo with it. I normally drive a manual car and so was not used to driving an automatic. This became very apparant to Kate when we were on the freeway and the car in front of me started to break. On impulse my left foot when to push in the clutch but was instead pressing on the brake which made Kate lung forward in her chair, drop the GPS and hit her head on the dashboard. OOPS. Luckily no harm was done to the car or to Kate's head.

We had a fews hours after the swap meet before we had to head back to the airport, so we thought we would drive to the beach. But we completely forgot that it was the end of June which meant high season for tourists. So while we battled traffic to get to the beach, there wasn't a parking spot for us once we arrived. So we had to turn around and spend the next hour fighting traffic to get back to the airport. But we did get to see the beach on the PCH Highway.

We ended the day by stopping at In N' Out Burger for a quick bite before we headed back home. How better to end a great day?

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Last Sunday my sister and I took some spring pictures in my parent's yard.

This is a great shot of Steph...very pretty. The wind always works in her advantage when taking pictures.

We are two complete opposites in every imagineable way; from our looks to our interests, but I couldn't ask for a better sister :) Love ya Steph!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Girls Night Out

Bowling: $12

Greasy food at the lanes: $10

Getting silly and laughing uncontrollably with good friends: PRICELESS

Girls night out is something I look forward to every month. Even though not everyone could make it this time, those of us that did had a great time. I love being able to let my hair down and get silly without caring.

Thanks girls for a great night...see you next month!