Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Phone Call No One Wants...

Monday night I was at home watching a movie when my brother called me. When I answered the phone, this is what I heard "I need you to come over here right away. Something's wrong with Cali and the ambulance is on the way!" Immediately I rushed out the door scared to death about what's happening to my little 1 year old niece.

When I arrived at their house there was an ambulance and firetruck outside and as I approached the door I saw through the window my sister-in-law in tears. I ran inside to find my niece lifeless on the floor with the EMT's hovering over her taking her vitals. She was white as a ghost! (An image I don't want to see again but at the same time cannot get out of my head.)

My sister-in-law told me she had just put Luke in the bath; when she came into the living room she found Cali on the living room floor having a seizure which lasted for about 1 minute.

The EMT's started giving her some oxygen and she came to and started crying. The best sound in the world! They took her up to Primary Children's Hospital to run some tests on her.

The diagnosis was, Cali's high fever of 102 degrees caused her to have a seizure. Though it was very scary to see, the doctors said that it wasn't too serious. Unfortunately, she had another seizure early the next morning. So since she has had 2 seizures, the doctors said this is more likely to happen again if/when she gets a high enough fever.

So anytime she gets a fever, my brother and sister-in-law will have to watch her very closely and make sure they are giving her tylenol and motrin every 3 hours to keep the fever down.

This was a very scary ordeal for my family, and Cali's fever hasn't broken yet...but I am happy to report that she is doing a lot better.


  1. oh my heck! That is so terrible! poor little thing :(

  2. That is so terrible...I can't imagine. I am so glad that the story has a happy ending that she's okay. Oh Stacey!!

  3. That's scary stuff! Glad she's doing alright.
